Ella is a rare combination.  She is an intuitive spirit with a natural sense for what is driving a person and where their spirit is crying out for liberation.  And she has educated herself in the disciplines to assist that spirit with its liberation.  Her thirst for understanding and technique is unlimited, and she has dedicated herself to this pursuit for her own personal development, and for her calling to help others achieve all that they can be.

Ella has addressed her own significant life challenges, equipped herself to deal with life’s downs, and then met them head on.  She has come through strong and free, and ready for her work assisting others to move forward.

Ella has empathy and patience.  She will not stop when she finds a symptom, when the surface has just been scratched.   She will pursue to the root of an issue, a fear, a limiting belief, relentlessly, until she is satisfied that she is treating the cause not the symptom.  She then brings to bear her very considerable training and understanding of NLP, coaching and other techniques to assist you in finding your way.

If you seek deep understanding, genuine challenge and an empathetic guide, Ella is right for you.